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What Is Online Slicing And What Is Its Importance In 3D Printing?

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Printing technology has come a long way. From typewriters to 2D inkjets to now 3D printing, these technologies have all revolutionized how we work in an incredible way. Not only is 3D printing very advanced, but it is also very complex. It is seen as a combination of a large number of 2D printers. As for instructions, these no longer have to be coded manually. In particular, Cloud 3D print enables online instructions that build the model in one go, and an important component of such is online slicing.

What is Online Slicing?

Slicing, as a term in printing, is understood as the bifurcation of instructions. A 3D printer works by receiving instructions about what to make and how to make it from the slicer software. The slicer breaks down or ‘slices’ the whole into several subsets of instructions that are given to the 3D printer. A more advanced way of doing this is online slicing. With the help of cloud-based online slicing tools, the instructions are given more promptly and accurately. One software can include everything, like slicing tools, project management, monitoring, cloud storage, etc. Cloud 3D Print is one such tool that simplifies your overall printing workflow. It takes care of every aspect of the printing process, including management and billing as well.

Importance of Online Slicing in 3D printing

Slicing is an essential part of 3D printing. It is the main element that keeps the printer running. Slicer converts the digital design into instructions for the printer machine to perceive and act upon. Now, let us take a look at why online slicing is important.

  • An online slicer tool tells the printer “what to print” and “how to print”. The breaking down of a model into different parts is how the machine understands its task. A slicer helps the printer to understand how to go about the printing process and how to perceive a model. Without clear instructions, a printer cannot function.
  • The slicer tool tells the machine about “what comes after”, which gives the printer a clear flow of instructions. The whole process is broken down into numerous sub-parts or layers that make the printing process simpler and practicable.
  • It helps to convert the CAD-created STL file into commands that the printer interprets and follows. The digital files are to be translated into 3D compatible commands. This is done by an online slicer.
  • This tool also tells the machine about where to move, how much material to use for printing, the structural design, and the types of different printing equipment needed to print.
  • The machine cannot work on its own without instructions. The online slicer acts as the brain of the printer. It does the thinking, and the printer does the working. It would be appropriate to say that without slicing, the 3D printing process is incomplete.

Cloud 3D Print - Online Slicing

3D Printing News And Trends

1. The 3D printing industry is up for a transformation as it moves towards customer, service-provider, hardware and software integration. It is meant to smoothen the processes and simplify the execution by co-creating.

2. 3D printing is gradually moving towards metal printing as well. It will lower the costs of manufacturing and product design. It will further enable innovative design and solve complex manufacturing problems.

3. Digitization is becoming a major driver in the industry. With the greater adaptation of Additive Manufacturing (AM) and adjusting to the “new normal”, the whole 3D industry is bound to be digital in the very near future.


Read More About Online Slicing: Online Slicing’s Role in 3D Printing


Cloud 3D Print

Cloud 3D Print is your all-in-one tool to manage all the printing-related work. It comes with all the essentials and includes sophisticated online slicer tools. It has compatibility with more than 150 printers used across the world. Its user-friendly interface and online cloud storage facility make the work easier and faster. One command and all the printers are put to work. Cloud 3D Print is a revolutionary tool and is customizable as well. Such technology is not only limited to use in corporate spheres but also in educational institutions as well.

It can be said that online slicing is what adds value to 3D printing. And Cloud 3D Print is your way of availing that value through easy-to-use online slicing tools. Online slicers 3D layer the process into understandable parts and work towards the integration of processes. Stay tuned for the launch of Cloud 3D print!

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