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Challenges faced by Cloud 3D Print

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The Cloud 3D Print team at Mech Solutions has worked hard to eliminate the challenges and uncertainties that the project might face. To the credit of our team, most of those challenges have been resolved and we have developed one of the most innovative 3D printing software to date. However, as with any other project, there are some challenges and risks that the project faces. In this article, we highlight a few technical challenges that are in our team’s view and efforts are in pipeline to resolve them.

cloud 3d print and technical challenges

Approaches to reducing failure rates

With Cloud 3D Print, one of our main goals has been to reduce the failure rates among 3D prints. Among different approaches to reduce failure rates, some revolve around continuously monitoring the printing process through the use of cameras. These approaches, however, are complex, and significant development time is required for the implementation of such solutions.

The team at Cloud 3D Print continues to develop alternative cutting-edge solutions and game-changing failure detection methods. These solutions are bound to cut failure rates by a significant margin and compensate for the element of human error. However, as with any other process, our team brainstormed for ways in which the process can be optimized in such a way that human error is minimized. Our experience and observation revealed that many factors contribute to human error.

Need for a management platform

When it comes to 3D printing, the lack of streamlining the entire process and executing it in a haphazard manner is one of the main reasons for high failure rates. This calls for the development of a complete management platform for 3D printing. One that can manage the workflow efficiently and allow individuals to effectively manage their 3D printing operations.

cloud 3d print as a management platform

Lack of standardization among 3D prints

Because 3D printing technology is still in its inception stage, there is still a lack of standards that all 3D printer manufacturers must adopt. This creates problems when there is no standardization in serial communication messaging platforms among 3D printers. Temperature reporting formats also create issues. In some cases, our talented team of programmers is able to resolve issues through coding e.g in the case of temperature reporting formats. However, the lack of standardization still presents an issue.

Diversification of services

It might be that Cloud 3D Print reaches its maximum potential and there is not much left to improve. In that case, there has to be a diversification of technology so that new income streams for technology are explored.

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